When there is a fire in the hospital which action by the nurse is priority quizlet?
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Which action would the nurse take when evacuating patients during a fire in the healthcare facility?When there is a fire in a hospital, the nurse's first and most important intervention is to Rescue and remove all patients who are in immediate danger. After those patients are removed, the nurse should Activate the fire alarm so that other patients and staff will know of the fire danger.
Which action would the nurse perform first after discovering an electrical fire in a patient's room quizlet?Terms in this set (13) The nurse's first action after discovering an electrical fire in a patient's room is to: Remove all patients in immediate danger.
Which action would the nurse take first?The first action the nurse should take using the nursing process is to assess the client.
Which of the following nursing interventions is the highest priority for a client at risk for falls in a hospital setting?Bedrest: The majority of falls occur at the patient's bedside, interventions such as ensuring the bed is in a low position, the brakes are locked, appropriate use of bed rails and ensuring patients can reach necessary items will reduce the risk of falling.