Which mask should the nurse don when caring for a client with tuberculosis?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is transmitted in airborne particles called droplet nuclei that are expelled when persons with pulmonary or laryngeal TB cough, sneeze, shout, or sing. The tiny bacteria can be carried by air currents throughout a room or building. Tuberculosis is not transmitted by direct contact or via contaminated surfaces or items. Show
Health care personnel are potentially exposed to TB during health care activities, case management activities, or when persons with unrecognized pulmonary TB are present in the facility. Facilities should establish TB infection control programs that include administrative, environmental, and respiratory protection measures to help prevent TB transmission among staff and visitors. General TB precautions
In all settings, prompt recognition of individuals needing airborne precautions is the cornerstone to infection prevention. Airborne precautionsAirborne precautions are used in addition to standard precautions to prevent disease transmission from individuals known or suspected to have diseases spread by fine particles, including TB.
In airborne precautions, patients may be asked to wear surgical masks outside of a negative pressure room. Health care personnel should only wear N95 or PAPR respirators and never wear surgical masks. Setting-specific TB precautionsHospital-based precautions
Clinic-based precautions
Health department-based precautions
At the client's home
Patients with infectious TB can be released from home isolation when all of the following criteria are met:
Long-term care facility, corrections, and other congregate settings-based precautions
What are the environmental protection measures in TB precautions?Environmental controls are the second line of defense in TB infection control programs. Environmental controls include technologies for removal or inactivation of TB in the air. These technologies include:
You should be aware of the environment of your facility, including air flow, UV lighting, and availability of HEPA filters, negative pressure rooms, or alternative methods for achieving negative pressure. The (see Table 1) specifies the amount of clearance time required based on the number of air exchanges that occur in the room per hour. Contact your building maintenance staff if you do not know the air exchange rate of the room. What PPE should be worn for tuberculosis?Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE), including a NIOSH-certified fit-tested N95 respirator or a powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), for the duration of home visit. Educate household members on risks of TB transmission and on contact investigation.
Which precautions would the nurse take when caring for a client with tuberculosis TB )?Patients who are initially suspected of having active TB should be placed in an airborne precautions isolation room. Airborne precautions require a private room and a negative pressure air handling system that exhausts to the outside. The door must remain closed.
Is TB droplet or airborne nursing?Use Airborne Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens transmitted by the airborne route (e.g., tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox, disseminated herpes zoster). See Guidelines for Isolation Precautions for complete details.
Which type of PPE should a health care provider wear if the patient has tuberculosis quizlet?Airborne Precautions are for contagious organisms that are spread on air currents and require the hospital personnel to wear an ultra-high filtration mask; these precautions would be applied for diseases such as tuberculosis.